About these Sketches

I spent most of my childhood in quiet solitude outdoors since our military family moved so often and they needed me to be out of the way. Entertainment meant hours alone chatting with crows in Pennsylvania cornfields; climbing and building forts in pine trees, looking for crayfish in rushing streams, and making friends with stray cats at suburban home construction sites in Georgia; scooping up sand crabs in Miami; trekking the hot trails with coyote along the California mountains; collecting fence lizards in Texas, or fishing for turtles and crappie in the Virginia rivers.  Insects, amphibians, minnows, furry critters, bugs, and birds have always been my friends; I love to spend time with the wonders of the natural world, but am also fascinated with how the brightest creatures on this planet, human beings, develop sometimes harmful, sometimes helpful, alliances with Nature through technology, religion, and politics.

My sketches feature creature mutations, musings and imitation of various models, systems, and elements of nature manipulated the purpose of serving the complexity of the human condition. All of the most elegant and successful machinery ever built in the history of humankind has been modeled after Nature herself. My drawings explore the intersection of biological mystery with human intervention.

You can order some of my personalized greeting cards from the menu at the top of the page.